Procmon is created by sysinternals and should be deployed to any server in your enterprise (and desktop) it allows you to see what file, registry, network and processed & thread activity is happening on your system. I just used to to work out why VS 2010 was not installing, it turns out it iterates through all the drives on your system including your mapped drives. As I had just been playing with WebDav I had a mapped WebDav drive which was very slow to access. Looking at proc mon I could see straight away what the issue was and I disconnected the drive. Problem sovled!
Continue Reading »You may find this code block handy: [csharp] /// /// Gets the mail item selected in the explorer view if one is selected or instance if that is the view active. /// /// The instance containing the event data. /// A Outlook.MailItem for the mail being viewed. private Outlook.MailItem GetMailItem(RibbonControlEventArgs e) { // Check to see if a item is select in explorer or we are in inspector. if (e.Control.Context is Outlook.Inspector) { Outlook.Inspector inspector = (Outlook.Inspector)e.Control.Context; if (inspector.CurrentItem is Outlook.MailItem) { return inspector.CurrentItem as Outlook.MailItem; } } if (e.Control.Context is Outlook.Explorer) { Outlook.Explorer explorer = (Outlook.Explorer)e.Control.Context; Outlook.Selection selectedItems = explorer.Selection; if (selectedItems.Count != 1) { return null; } if (selectedItems[1] is Outlook.MailItem) { return selectedItems[1] as Outlook.MailItem; } } return null; } [/csharp]
Continue Reading »Just read this article, it is a great example of how the memory dumps can be used to trace issues and also points out a workaround to solve this problem prior to a patch being released.
If you want to have the Visual Studio command prompt on the right-click on the folder place the below into a text file with a .reg extension and then add it to the registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=“c:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe /k \”\“C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\”\" x86"
“Of late I have been doing more and more in c# and ASP.Net. I am helping a friend out with the creation of a new site and a project at work I am on requires a timeline of actions to be rendered. I cannot find any components in the wild to do this so it looks like I will be writing one myself. Update: I have found a base Control that I can work with! Gantt Chart / Event Calendar / Calendar Planner The Idea will be to take a list of transactions and then display them on a time sequence, since some of them are in Parellel a Gnatt style chart seems the best. Once I have created the control I wll put it up for others. I am also nearly finished my MCAD, One more exam on XML Web Services. I have some great picture of Amelie and Anja playing in the front room, (Well Anja playing and Amelie just sitting). I will upload them this afternoon. Also I have been playing with Google Earth, it is great and I have some ideas to use it for some home videos.”
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