Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Another day

2004-06-17 1 min read General
And a busy one at that, im not sure wether I am comming or going at the moment, my life is a list of tasks and patterns. All of the are shifting and my brain is having problems keeping up. I had a review of my Strengths today and it was really good. Here are my top 5. Learner Restorative Achiever Adaptability Intellection There was no supprise there! Im also on a hunt for a nice gallery program, im using Gallery at the moment here is my photo album which im constantly being yelled at to update! Continue reading

What is a Blog?

2004-06-16 1 min read General
“I have no idea, so I figured the best way was to install one and work out :) I’m very practical around this type of stuff. So doing a search on google, I found the following. define:Blog – (weB LOG) A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is ““blogging”” and someone who keeps a blog is a ““blogger.”” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Continue reading

A Letter Home

2002-05-27 5 min read General
“Dear all Time has flown again and I find myself once again wishing that I was more organised and more disciplined to write more often. The last letter I wrote was just before Christmas, so of course that was a long time ago and we have done a lot since then. The most exciting thing is that we did manage to buy the London flat that I talked about in the last email. Continue reading

Hi everyone!

2001-12-18 10 min read General
“Hi everyone Ok, ok, so I have been incredibly slack and haven’t written for ages. There is a lot to report which is actually why I haven’t written – we have had a very busy few months interspersed with trips and holidays, a houseful of people and a property purchase! So where do I start? I think here is as good a place as any. A few months ago we started getting emails from various friends from Oz saying that they were all coming at some stage – all independently and as it turned out nearly all at the same time! Continue reading

"Paris, Amsterdam, Aus, Edinburgh"

2001-04-28 9 min read General
“Hi everyone I have had some complaints about our lack of contact, so I am going to attempt to cover all that we have done in the last few months in this one email. We haven’t done much in London, so I guess I’ll focus on the trips that we have been doing around the place. Our first trip (since the last email) was a weekender to Paris. Peter Laidler, a friend of Jon’s from school has been living in Ireland and had come to London on his way to Amsterdam on a holiday. Continue reading

Seattle and Northern England

2001-02-24 7 min read General
“Hello All Once again it’s been a while since I last wrote and again I apologise for that. We have been fairly busy with this and that and I hope I remember to include all the exciting stuff we’ve been doing! I guess the most exciting thing we have done was our trip to the US. Jon was sent to Seattle to learn about some of the things he will be doing at work. Continue reading

From Stonehenge to Seattle

2001-01-09 2 min read General
“We have been doing some exciting stuff, starting with a day trip to Stonehenge between Christmas and New Year. Stonehenge is pretty amazing, especially when we saw it blanketed in snow. We took a day trip out there, and as it turned out the company that we went with was pretty dodgy, the bus broke down 5 minutes before we arrived and continued to break down periodically throughout the day. Stonehenge is just in the middle of a big flat area which is surrounded by ancient burial grounds. Continue reading
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