Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Organise the System

2005-11-13 2 min read General
“So, I ave a ton of photos, file, email, etc… How do you organise them in the system. Well here is the method I am attempting to use. This is more of a reference for me but hey, if you want to try it go for it. Photos I store them in a folder which makes up the date of the photo. Since most modern cameras use JPG, if the dat is set correctly the date and time of the photo is imbedded into the photo is self in the EXIF data. Continue reading

The first few weeks.

2005-09-30 1 min read General
“We are nearly settled, I have now started work with a large consulting company and I’m based out of Canberra. with many thanks to my parents, Janes parents and Megan and Micheal we have had places to stay for the last few weeks. We are now tring to get a home in Ainsle in Canberra so my commute will go from walk-train-bus-walk (1.5hrs) down to walk(15 miuntes), I consider this a decent improvment! Continue reading

We made it

2005-09-11 1 min read General
We are safely in Australia now and at my parents place. The kids were great oin the trip and we have a raft of suggestions for thoes flying with children :D


2005-09-05 1 min read General
OK, its nearly time. The movers are now in the house. It is weird having them run and do all the packing. Im helping where i can but they seem to have it all in hand. Starting to get very stressed about this move. Not long until we are in sydney now. Also I have managed to break the gallery imbedded so it will break you out of the site for the moment. Continue reading

A great hack.

2005-08-15 1 min read General
Found this one, and thought it was good. Nintendo controller mouse, what a fun use for your old controllers. And speaking of hacking i finally found a really good font to code in. It is called Profont with that and a nice pastel background you are set for hours of fun ;) Take notes during the day? Here are some templates that may make your day clearer.

Coming Home

2005-08-09 1 min read General
It official we are coming back to Australia in September, the countdown has started.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

2005-06-28 3 min read General
“The Original Story Of The Ant And The Grasshopper The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he’s a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. The Modern Australian Version The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. Continue reading
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