Its Snowing!
“Cold off the press we have snow. Hopfully it will stay till the morning and Anja will see it. Some night time photos are up here”
“Cold off the press we have snow. Hopfully it will stay till the morning and Anja will see it. Some night time photos are up here”
“Some photos are up, I have been tring to find a decent way to orgainse my photos. Adobe Photoalbum was a bit to much bloat for my liking, Microsoft Album is quite good, except none of them allow any sort of plugin that I can create! I am working on a .Net API for Gallery, I have it at the point where it is listing the albums and can upload, next the rest of the protocol. I have joined a group creating a photo album in the vain hope it will meet all the needs of all the users out there, it is funny that all the photo albums out there think they need to do photo editing, if they stopped at crop it would be good! Focus on the organisation.”
Continue Reading »“A merry christmas to one and all. I hope santa brings you all the gifts you want. Im just hoping that Natural Selection gets ported to Half Life 2 :) After Anja has opened her presents I will HAVE put some christmas photos up!”
Wow I got HACKED BY RHIFAT on my domain… Perhaps I should have upgraded PHP nuke at some point in the last year or so ;) Anyway, congratulations and Hacker and Cracker have meanings…
Well Guy Fawkes day has come and gone, and on last friday we decided to celbrate. Nick, Than, Ginny and Tim all came over for the night and we set off a range of explosives. I managed to take some picture during the evening and they can be found here. Anja enjoyed the show of ‘stars’ and didn’t really want to go to bed and miss all the fun. The rest of the week end passed quietly and no compaints from the neighbours yet about plastic on the roof :)
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Continue Reading »I updated my address today and I still do not get it… Why do they go to all the trouble of issuing a plastic license and still require a paper one? In Australia we have had a plastic one for years, surely it cannot be that hard!
Especially when they use my domain! I have about 2000 auto responses for email I didn’t send.. They decided to use *@ as the from address. SO I have dropped any mail to for the mean time. It will bounce around the internet for a while but at least my mail server will survive. I wonder what happenes to a bounced bounce. I do not have the time to look at the RFC. I have had a request for more details on how I am using GTD in Outlook, I have added a new section to the Wiki with details on my folder structure. Im feelin a bit on the tired side, it seems that the list of tasks is growing faster than I can work. I hope the snowball starts melting soon. Did anyone else feel this way when they implimented GTD?
Continue Reading »“Late at night and im tired. We are off to meet some friends tomorrow and take some videos of Anja. I found it quite funny that the government in the UK tried to shut down this site Preparing for Emergencies website also the news this week was blaiming computer games for a killing. Of course the parents that let the less than 18 year old play a over 18 year old game are blameless… Retailers bans Manhunt after murder link claim”
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