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The updatePropertyFromPrompt function will return a link that when clicked will prompt the user to enter a value. The user can then enter a value and the property will be updated on the file.

query: SELECT TOP 1 updatePropertyFromPrompt('Enter email alias', frontmatter->email, path, 'email') AS updateEmail FROM obsidian_notes
template: |
  {{#each result}}{{updateEmail}}{{/each}}

will result in:

<a class="qatt-link" onclick="const fun = async() => { let newValue = (await _qatt.ui.promptForInput('Enter alias','alias',false,false));if(newValue !== null &amp;&amp; newValue !== undefined ) {app.fileManager.processFrontMatter(app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath('contacts/'), (f) => { = newValue; });}}; fun();">alias</a>

The links by default will be dotted and not underlined. This can be changed by adding a snippet for the CSS class qatt-link to a CSS file.