Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Down with Spamers

2004-08-05 1 min read General
Especially when they use my domain! I have about 2000 auto responses for email I didn’t send.. They decided to use *@ as the from address. SO I have dropped any mail to for the mean time. It will bounce around the internet for a while but at least my mail server will survive. I wonder what happenes to a bounced bounce. I do not have the time to look at the RFC. Continue reading


2004-07-31 1 min read General
“Late at night and im tired. We are off to meet some friends tomorrow and take some videos of Anja. I found it quite funny that the government in the UK tried to shut down this site Preparing for Emergencies website also the news this week was blaiming computer games for a killing. Of course the parents that let the less than 18 year old play a over 18 year old game are blameless… Retailers bans Manhunt after murder link claim”

Why does it feel like friday?

2004-07-28 1 min read General
“For some reason I felt like it is friday all day, I guess it is wishful thinking. I have uploaded some photos from the weekend when we went to a country show. Anja enjoyed everything except the fireworks, no matter how much we tried to convince her they were just big flowers she did not believe us. Also on the GTD front, I haven’t done the full implimentation, I’m still struggling with the weekly review but it is getting easier. Continue reading

Monday came and went

2004-07-12 1 min read General
“And I am still alive! So I got my tasks done for the day and I am actually thinking about the next actions, not the projects or jobs I have to do. It is so simple, yet… So next is to get my Palm to sync with outlook, im not sure how it is going to like the user peroperties I have added. I will cross that bridge later! So all is well on Day 2 of GTD. Continue reading


2004-07-11 1 min read General
“So, I have spent most of the day implimenting the Getting Things Done methodology. It is a fair bit of work, so far I have managed to get my inbox to zero and my task list to 33. I was very supprised. I have to go through the seperate task list next to see what is left and then for the Brain Dump! I have made a custom for for the Task Items. Continue reading

"Got the book, now get with the program."

2004-07-09 1 min read Productivity
“I have picked up a copy of Getting Things Done by David Allen. It is not to bad, it seems to be a more pratical approach to dealing with the volume of thing you have to do on a day to day basis. It handles things a lot differently than Covey and the 7 habits. <map id=““boxmap-p6"” name=““boxmap-p6""><area shape=““rect”” coords=““1, 140, 83, 150"” href=““
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