Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Off to the farm!

2004-07-04 1 min read General
“We are off to the farm today. The farm is Godstone Farm, it has the general farmyard variety of animals. When I get back I will post some picture of the trip. Done! The photos are uploaded to this album. We had a good time and Anja loved the animals. The word ‘baa’ was used quite a few times! After running around madly all morning she is having a well deserved afternoon nap. Continue reading

Ice Cream!

2004-07-03 1 min read General
Its a nice Saturday night, my ADSL router just died so after a power reset me network is back in action. I have just been for a walk to the shops to get ice cream and chocolate, what else do you need ;) I cannot thing of much to write, a bottle of wine is probably helping. Ill add something meaningful later.

Its Friday!

2004-06-18 1 min read General
“Im sooooo looking forward to the weekend. We are catching up with some friends so it should be nice and relaxing. Another busy day in worksville, spent a bit of time re-aranging my tasks. I found a intersting project dotproject, i am customising it for me so it is a more of a personal goal tracker. I will be writing two modules, a Sync on to sync with outlook for tasks and contacts and another for goal setting. Continue reading

Another day

2004-06-17 1 min read General
And a busy one at that, im not sure wether I am comming or going at the moment, my life is a list of tasks and patterns. All of the are shifting and my brain is having problems keeping up. I had a review of my Strengths today and it was really good. Here are my top 5. Learner Restorative Achiever Adaptability Intellection There was no supprise there! Im also on a hunt for a nice gallery program, im using Gallery at the moment here is my photo album which im constantly being yelled at to update! Continue reading

What is a Blog?

2004-06-16 1 min read General
“I have no idea, so I figured the best way was to install one and work out :) I’m very practical around this type of stuff. So doing a search on google, I found the following. define:Blog – (weB LOG) A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is ““blogging”” and someone who keeps a blog is a ““blogger.”” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Continue reading

A Letter Home

2002-05-27 5 min read General
“Dear all Time has flown again and I find myself once again wishing that I was more organised and more disciplined to write more often. The last letter I wrote was just before Christmas, so of course that was a long time ago and we have done a lot since then. The most exciting thing is that we did manage to buy the London flat that I talked about in the last email. Continue reading

Hi everyone!

2001-12-18 10 min read General
“Hi everyone Ok, ok, so I have been incredibly slack and haven’t written for ages. There is a lot to report which is actually why I haven’t written – we have had a very busy few months interspersed with trips and holidays, a houseful of people and a property purchase! So where do I start? I think here is as good a place as any. A few months ago we started getting emails from various friends from Oz saying that they were all coming at some stage – all independently and as it turned out nearly all at the same time! Continue reading
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