Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

"Paris, Amsterdam, Aus, Edinburgh"

2001-04-28 9 min read General
“Hi everyone I have had some complaints about our lack of contact, so I am going to attempt to cover all that we have done in the last few months in this one email. We haven’t done much in London, so I guess I’ll focus on the trips that we have been doing around the place. Our first trip (since the last email) was a weekender to Paris. Peter Laidler, a friend of Jon’s from school has been living in Ireland and had come to London on his way to Amsterdam on a holiday. Continue reading

Seattle and Northern England

2001-02-24 7 min read General
“Hello All Once again it’s been a while since I last wrote and again I apologise for that. We have been fairly busy with this and that and I hope I remember to include all the exciting stuff we’ve been doing! I guess the most exciting thing we have done was our trip to the US. Jon was sent to Seattle to learn about some of the things he will be doing at work. Continue reading

From Stonehenge to Seattle

2001-01-09 2 min read General
“We have been doing some exciting stuff, starting with a day trip to Stonehenge between Christmas and New Year. Stonehenge is pretty amazing, especially when we saw it blanketed in snow. We took a day trip out there, and as it turned out the company that we went with was pretty dodgy, the bus broke down 5 minutes before we arrived and continued to break down periodically throughout the day. Stonehenge is just in the middle of a big flat area which is surrounded by ancient burial grounds. Continue reading

London Days

2000-12-28 6 min read General
“Hello! Well it’s been a while since we wrote you a note to let you know that we are all alive and doing really well. In fact everything has fallen into place in the last few weeks. Getting jobs took a little longer than we had expected. I started working about 3 weeks after we arrived, and Jon 4 weeks. I think that we had been mislead by the rumors that said anyone who had anything to do with computers would get a job in a few hours. Continue reading

to work or not to work

2000-11-10 3 min read General
“Hello all Here’s the report from London. Myth number 1: It’s easy to get a job in London Not true. I think that it would be easy to get a job if you were in administration or waitressing, but getting a professional job really takes some time. First you apply for the position. Then about a week later (if you’re lucky) the agency will ring you back and offer you a completely different job from the one you applied for that you are either too qualified for or not qualified for at all. Continue reading

Munich to Berlin (and two countries in between)

2000-10-28 7 min read General
“Hello! Well, once again it’s been a long time since we wrote. Last time I wrote we were in Munich in Germany, and now we are in Germany again, in Berlin. But much has happened since then. >From Munich we caught the bus to Salzburg in Austria. Salzburg is where >the Sound of Music story happened and where the movie was filmed. Because it is Autumn the trees were beautiful and were turning all colours making the surrounding hills stunning. Continue reading

The difference between biscuits

2000-10-15 11 min read General
“Guten morgan (lucky it’s morning because I have no idea how to say good afternoon in German!) We’re in Munich in Germany. We haven’t used the net for a while because we spent a week in Switzerland and it was very expensive there. It was about $24 an hour there, but here I’ve paid about $1.50 for 2 hours! A lot has happened since the last email, we’ve been to 3 different countries and are still having a ball. Continue reading
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