Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Florence and Nice

2000-10-03 4 min read General
“Bonjour I have to say that. We’re in France. After spending a few very rainy days in the Tuscany region of Italy we arrived in Nice, France, last night. Not surprisingly, it’s, um, nice. Anyway more about that later. This is what we’ve been up to since we left Venice. Caught the bus to Florence in Italy and arrived at around lunch time. The area is really nice, the countryside is green and lush and it is really very nice after the bare Greek landscapes. Continue reading

"Blue roofs, and more about those floating rats"

2000-09-21 11 min read General
“Hello from beautiful Santorini in the Greek Islands! Sorry I didn’t get to finish the last email. Chances are it will happen again! We have some photos uploaded to the site now. We haven’t seen most of them yet, so I have no idea what is there! Should be interesting. By the way, we have decided to photograph all the McDonald’s shops that we see and have a Maccas gallery on the site. Continue reading

Meat sandwiches, floating rats and the REAL Olympic city

2000-09-18 6 min read General
Hello everyone, We thought it was about time that we wrote to you all. We’ve been so busy and having a lot of fun, and the only reason that we have enough time today is that we are stuck in Athens because the ferries are stiking and we can’t get to Santorini (we were supposed to leave last night). more about that later, here’s the adventure so far. If you see that anyone is missing from the email list, please forward this on. Continue reading
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