Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Setting Outlook to use ISO values for week number.

2011-10-24 1 min read Productivity
If you want to set outlook to follow the ISO week you need to make the following changes: Outlook 2007 and previous Tools-> Options…-> button Calendar Options… Outlook 2010 File-> section Options-> section Calendar Set the following Options: First day of week: Monday First week of year: First 4-day week

Networking with MoCA

2011-10-04 1 min read Technology
I was looking at getting the house wired for Ethernet. I do not have any major requirements at the moment, I do not intend to stream HDMI over the network :). About as bad as we get is streaming from the media centre to an extender (XBox 360) which is around 1.5Mb for a HD stream. I found out about MoCA and did some research, from what I could tell it would meet all my requirements, better still I did not need to get anything re-wried as we have points at every place in the house that I wanted a network outloet. Continue reading

Simple way to store credentials in Powershell

2011-09-24 1 min read General
I know this is not the most secure way to store credentials but it works and is simple to manage. I use this when I need creds stored for accessing web based resources. To use it run the following: [code lang=“ps”] #To set Credentials Set-MyCredential -File c:\temp\thecreds.dat #To get Credentials $creds = Get-MyCredential -User domain\user -File c:\temp\thecreds.dat function Set-MyCredential($File) { $Credential = Get-Credential $credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $File } function Get-MyCredential($User, $File) { $password = Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString $credential = New-Object System. Continue reading

Application Tracker

2011-09-13 1 min read Productivity
[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“132” caption=“Photo by alancleaver_2000”] Photo by alancleaver_2000 [/caption] I have been meaning to upload this for a while. I use the Time Management App from An App A Day site. I have modified it a bit from the source, as it is GPL I have released my variation with source. It uses click once for deployment and modified the loging a bit. Go to the app tracker page to get it. Continue reading

Automating OneNote with AutoHotKey to be a Journal V1.1

2011-08-08 3 min read Productivity
Here is Version 1.1 of the script, it has some logging and I have tried to make the config simpler. I use OneNote more and more in my daily work. I wanted to have the ability to make a journal function accessible from anywhere. Goal:To be able to hit Win+J and have OneNote open the right page and date and time stamp the entry. Outcome: When I hit Win+J it opens OneNote at the right week (I have one page per week with the heading of Week 1, Week 2, …, Week 52) goes to the end of the entry and inserts a line and then makes a check box with the date and time as the value. Continue reading

Making a shortcut to Libraries in Windows 7

2011-02-14 1 min read Technology
I use AutoHotKey for automation, I needed to make a link to the Libraries in Windows 7 as they hold all my info in one place now. To do this just use the following line. [code lang=“autohotkey”] Run, “%A_AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Documents.library-ms” [/code] Replace Documents with the library name.

Automating OneNote with AutoHotKey to be a Journal

2011-01-18 2 min read Productivity
I use OneNote more and more in my daily work. I wanted to have the ability to make a journal function accessible from anywhere. **Goal :**To be able to hit Win+J and have OneNote open the right page and date and time stamp the entry. Outcome: When I hit Win+J it opens OneNote at the right week (I have one page per week with the heading of Week 1, Week 2, …, Week 52) goes to the end of the entry and inserts a line and then makes a check box with the date and time as the value. Continue reading
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