Managing hugo blog entries in Obsidian

To make using and blogging simpler I have made some scripts, templates and quickadd commands to make a new article for my blog and then be able to run a PowerShell script to publish it.

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Changing the commit author

So, you made some commits and then realise you used the wrong author and email address. No problem, use the following command to update them all and then you can push with consistent happiness.

This assumes you are doing this in PowerShell, if in bash you may need to escape the quotes differently.

The GIT commit id is the one before the commits with the wrong author. For the Author use the format name <>

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Using git aliases part two

This is a update to Using git aliases. A few extra commands and a bit of a cleanup. I should move it to a gist at some point.

Update: Moved the contents to a gist.

Using git aliases

I work with git for home and work project, I recently found you can use alias across all platforms due to the way it runs on windows. So all these aliases will work happily on git for windows and hopefully will make you work day more streamlined.

Some are from sites I have found and other I have created myself.

To access the global git configuration run the following command and then add this to the bottom if you do not have a alias section already. This command will use your default editor.

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