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Development is done using VS Code, you are welcome to use any other editor just make sure the linting and format match.

VS Code will work on all operating systems and the configuration will recommend all the extensions to try and make you life simpler when developing the plugin.

Setting up development environment

PNPM is used as the package manager, use npm install -g pnpm@latest-9 to install. Version 20.15.1 of NodeJS is being used for the build process so ensure that is also installed. If you use Node version manager you can run nvm install 20.15.1 and nvm use 20.15.1 to install and use the current node version.

Run pnpm install to ensure dependencies are installed and then pnpm run build

I run everything in PowerShell Core. The following set the shell to use it and not cmd/bash

npm config set script-shell "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop\apps\pwsh\current\pwsh.exe"

Git configuration and LF/CRLF

If you are using Obsidian it converts all files to LF by default, which means git will say there are modifications on windows where there are no changes, just the LF/CRLF difference. To work in LF only in windows do the following:

git config core.autocrlf false
git config core.eol lf

You may need to reset your local enlistment after this change, you can do so with these commands

git rm -rf --cached .
git reset --hard HEAD

Dev Container

To make the process of developing simpler this repo has a dev container configuration. This means you can use a virtual container to work on changes and connect to that from any location in the browser or VSCode.

Testing changes

You can set the OBSIDIAN_TEST_VAULT environment variable to the vault you want to test with or use a symlink.

Environment Variable Example:

$env:OBSIDIAN_TEST_VAULT = "C:\obsidian\brainstore"

Symlink Example:

New-Item -ItemType Junction -Target ".\dist" -Path "C:\obsidian\brainstore\.obsidian\plugins\qatt\"


In main run pnpm run release:minor:dry to see what the changes look like, if happy then run pnpm run release:minor followed by git push --follow-tags origin main. This will push the changes up and the build system will generate a draft release. You can then go to github and update the release as needed and move it out of draft.