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Obsidian Markdown Notes (obsidian_markdown_notes)

Please use obsidian_notes going forward, this table will be eventually removed.

If you need to reference a property of a object do not forget to use -> and not .

Column NameTypeDescription
contentstringFull content of the markdown note.
pathstringFull path to the markdown note.
internalPathstringFull path to the markdown note minus the extension.
namestringThe name of the note including the extension.
parentFolderstringThe path of the parent folder for this note.
basenamenumberJust the name of the note.
extensionnumberThe extension of the note. Usually md
statobjectcontains the time and size details of the note.
stat->ctimenumberTime the note was creates as a serial.
stat->mtimenumberTime the note was last modified as a serial.
stat->sizenumberSize of the note in bytes
linksLinkCache[]Array of links cached by Obsidian
embedsEmbedCache[]Array of embeds cached by Obsidian
tagsstring[]Array of tags cached by Obsidian
headingsHeadingCache[]Array of headings cached by Obsidian
sectionsSectionCache[]Array of sections cached by Obsidian
listItemsListItem[]Array of listItems cached by Obsidian
frontmatterFrontMatterCache[]Array of frontmatter cached by Obsidian
blocksRecord<string, BlockCache>Array of blocks cached by Obsidian

LinkCache structure

  link: string;
  original: string;
  // if title is different than link text, in the case of [[page name|display name]]
  displayText?: string;
  position: Pos;

Pos structure

Pos {
  start: Loc;
  end: Loc;

Loc structure

Loc {
  line: number;
  col: number;
  offset: number;

EmbedCache structure

  link: string;
  original: string;
  // if title is different than link text, in the case of [[page name|display name]]
  displayText?: string;
  position: Pos;

HeadingCache structure

  heading: string;
  level: number;
  position: Pos;

SectionCache structure

  // The block ID of this section, if defined.
  id?: string | undefined;
  //The type string generated by the parser.
  type: string;
  position: Pos;

ListItem structure

    parent: number;
    task: string;
    checked: boolean;
    line: string;

FrontMatterCache structure

  [key: string]: any;
  position: Pos;