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Custom Functions

If you have CustomJS enabled you can add custom functions to be available in the SQL queries. The example below uses the class found in [[customjs/custom-functions.js]]. To reference a function in your query you need to add a directive to the code block telling it what functions to make available. It will then register the CustomJS function in the referenced class.

The format of the directive is: customjs: ClassName FunctionName

The example below uses this class registered in CustomJS

class MyTaskFunctions {
    SuperImportant(status) {
        return status === '!';

It is then made available in the query via the customjs directive specifying the class name and then the function name. It is customjs MyTaskFunctions SuperImportant for this example.

When called from the query the status object is passed to the function as a property allowing the function to return true if the indicator value is equal to !

query: SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE SuperImportant(status)
customJSForSql: ['MyTaskFunctions SuperImportant']