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The markdownTable-helper will generate a markdown table based off the provided results.

There is a option to specify the columns, this allows you to change the heding and set alignment. To set these you need to create a JSON blob and add it to the handlebars helper under columns. If you do this it will use the order in the JSON file to replace the headings and set alignment, so if you have 5 columns being returned then you need to have 5 JSON objects in the JSON array and they will be applied in the same order the query returns the columns. Avoid using the wildcard to return columns in this case.

In the example below the query is SELECT TOP 5 basename, modified FROM obsidian_notes ORDER BY modified DESC. This mean we have two columns returned in the order of basename and then modified. To change the titles in the table to be nicer you can create a JSON array with two objects, as alignment is optional you can skip adding this. The required field in the object is name. So { "name": "This is the better Title" } is valid for a column replacement without an alignment, in this case it will be left aligned.

Alignment options are left, right and center, so if you want to change the alignment of a column add the align field to the JSON object after name. So using the example above to makeit center aligned you would use { "name": "This is the better Title", "align": "center" }.

{{markdownTable result columns='[{"name": "<VALUE>" [, "align": "left|center|right"] },{"name": "<VALUE>" [, "align": "left|center|right"] }, ...]'}}


{{markdownTable result columns='[{"name": "Note Name"},{"name": "Modified", "align": "right" }]'}}

will result in:

| Note Name | Modified | 
| --- | ---: | 
| Note 1 | 1732050853318 | 
| Note 2 | 1732049773183 | 
| Note 3 | 1732044078501 | 
| Note 4 | 1732043909292 | 
| Note 5 | 1732043884688 |