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🐣 Your First Query

The main query language backing the plugin is SQL based. There are fantastic resources out there to help you work with and understand SQL. The engine supports the large majority of statements including the ability for you to make your own tables in memory.

To get started the plugin expects that you have a codeblock with qatt as the type. Below is the simplest starting query which lists the latest page that was created. All the configuration in the code block is based off the YAML structure so all guidance from is valid.

In the example below you have the query, as noted this is based off SQL so sites like SQL Tutorial ( will be helpful if you are not familiar with the language or its been a while. This query will select the first record found when ordered by the files created time where the date is in descending order so the most recent will be displayed first. The FROM like indicates it is from the internal markdown files collection stored by Obsidian natively.

query: |
  FROM obsidian_notes
  ORDER BY stat->mtime DESC
template: |
  {{#each result}}
  - [[{{path}}\|{{basename}}]]

Once the query above has returned a result the template will then take the result and render an output by iterating over all the rows in the result and where path and basename have a value a link will be generated using a markdown syntax.

Once a query result has been rendered by the template and backing template engine, in this case Handlebars, it will be passed to Obsidian to be shown in the UI. All output in Obsidian is expected to be in HTML. To make this simpler by default micromark is enabled as a post processor. The output from the template will be processed and any markdown found will be converted to HTML for output.

Live Example if opened in Vault

query: |
  FROM obsidian_notes
  ORDER BY stat->mtime DESC
template: |
  {{#each result}}
  - [[{{path}}\|{{basename}}]]