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Listing recently updated files

This example will walk you though making a codeblock that lists the 10 most recently modified files.

The query below will return the top 10 notes from the obsidian_notes table, it will order them by the last modified time (stat->mtime) in a descending (DESC) order. In addition to all the columns in the table it adds a new colum with the value set to a human readable string stating how long ago the modification was. This uses moment and parses the mtime and get the time since now.

If you are using javascript objects instead of using the . when calling functions/properties off classes you use a -> to address the function or property.

query: |
  SELECT TOP 10 *, moment(stat->mtime)->fromNow() AS LastModified
  FROM obsidian_notes
  ORDER BY stat->mtime DESC
template: |
  {{#each result}}
    - [[{{path}}|{{basename}}]] was updated {{LastModified}}